Baby Boomer Brain Breakers

Baby Boomer Brain Breakers

(Transcript of Act I of the pilot episode of Baby Boomer Brain Breakers, a game show produced by A&E Productions.)


TOM: Thank you, and welcome to Baby Boomer Brain Breakers. Our three returning contestants are John, Beverly, and Susan. And for our first toss-up we’ll start with Movies. Ready, guys?  Okay. “Who played the sister in Brian de Palma’s Scarface?” (BUZZER) John?

JOHN: You know…she has all the hair. She was in whatchamacallit, with what’s his name? He was in that other thing, with the guy who married the blonde.

TOM: Mmmm…sorry, I need more, John.

JOHN: Not the one married to the guy…She was in the thing with all the water—

TOM: There’s a lot of water. Jaws? The Last Wave? Mutiny on the Bounty? Finding Nemo–

JOHN: No, no, the crazy water. With the face. With–you know. The astronaut. I mean the astronaut guy. By whosis. The director who did the blue people.

TOM: I need an answer…

JOHN: Jane….Jane—no! LOIS something.

TOM: Ooh, no. Sorry, John. Anyone? (BUZZER) Beverly–!

BEVERLY: Mary something?

TOM: Yikes…Judges? Can we accept Mary something?….I’m sorry, Beverly, the judges are telling me that’s not enough. Susan?

SUSAN: Mary Elizabeth something?

TOM: Is right!


TOM: Well done! Okay, Susan, you have the Topic Board.

SUSAN: I’ll do…American History, Tom.

TOM: Okay! American History… “What deal took place in the 19th century that doubled the size of the United States?”

SUSAN: Oh. Right. In the South. The thing. What’s his name did it…Jeffrey. Thomas Jefferson…

TOM: I need an answer….

SUSAN: The Louis…The Lewis and Clark Expedition?

TOM: Ooh, no, sorry, Susan. Anyone? (BUZZER) John!

JOHN: The Something Purchase. The Point of Purchase?

TOM: No…Beverly?

BEVERLY: The Louise Something—


BEVERLY: The Louise Nevelson Purchase!

TOM: No…no, sorry, guys. It’s The Louisiana Purchase. Okay, so, Susan, you still have the Topic Board.

SUSAN: Let’s do…Literature.

TOM: Great topic. Literature it is. Okay… “What American author won the Nobel Prize for writing novels about a single county in Mississippi?” Susan.

SUSAN: Oh I know this! He’s that guy! With the pipe. That Southern guy. Something Filbert. Falwell. Or Falwell Sumner something. Albert, Barry, Christopher, Charles, David, Dennis, Donald, Elliot—Elliot! Elliot Fallwell Sumner!

TOM: No, I’m afraid not. Anyone? (BUZZER) Beverly.

BEVERLY: Farley…Farley Walter? No, Walter something. Walter White? No, Walter’s his last name—no, FARLEY is his last name. Walter…Granger Walter Farley!

TOM: No…John?

JOHN: Flannery…William Henry Fla—wait! William O. Henry Flannery!

TOM: No…no, it was William Faulkner. So after the first round, we’ve got Susan in the lead. We’ll be back after this.