15 Things Every Man Should Do

15 Things Every Man Should Do

    1. Learn to make Coq au Vin – It’s French for “penis in a truck,” and is a dish so classic it’s gone from au courant to passé to hot.
    2. Run a Four-Minute Mile – Roger Bannister did it in 1954. He’s 85 today.  What’s your excuse?
    3. Climb K-2 – Forget Everest—it’s mobbed, despoiled, over. Dead bodies, human waste, oxygen bottles. Tip: Bring extra socks.
    4. Memorize Icelandic poetry – Iceland is back—think Bjork plus Gilgamesh. Go online for pronunciation help.
    5. Chop down a tree – Any tree. But keep it “analog”–use an ax. Chainsaws are out, blisters are in.
    6. Take up Schuss-Trekking – This uber-workout is a Swiss cross-training technique developed by the world-famous Swiss Army and Navy. HOW TO DO IT: Put on 22.67 kg (50 lb) backpack, go to Switzerland, run up and down a mountain in snow shoes. Pros: Cardio enhancement, breathtaking views.  Cons: Frostbite, fatigue, avalanches.
    7. Make your first million – Ask your social network contacts what they want and don’t have. Then invent a profitable way to produce and distribute it.  Examples: Self-walking dogs; polarized socks that automatically find their mates; pizza boxes that turn into napkins or whatever. Be creative and use your imagination.


“You smell good, or at least better than me.” (Note: Grammatically it should be “…better than I.” But every woman doesn’t like a show-off, so play it colloquial.)
“Let’s get married someday, unless we’re already married.”
“How can I help you have more orgasms?”
“May I give you a back and/or foot rub? and, if not, that’s okay.”
“Please eat more. You’re losing too much weight.”

    1. Commit to the three-month Ultimate Fighting Maniac Workout/Build-up/Bulk-In Routine and get ripped abs, dynamite pecs, killer glutes, homicidal lats, clinically insane obliques, sociopathic delts.
    2. Write an opera about Muhammad Ali. Yes, it will just be one among many, since every man will be writing one. So what!
    3. Build a 2013 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail by hand and ride it to these FOUR PLACES EVERY MAN SHOULD GO TO IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS:


Buenos Aires, Argentina — Come for the steaks, stay for the tangos
Sydney, Australia – Come for the steaks, stay for the kangaroos
Beijing, China – Come for the Chinese-style steaks, stay for the whole “modern China” thing
Nome, Alaska – Why? Because you don’t want to.

  1. Jump out of the International Space Station with a Go-Pro and film your own face as you plummet into the Indian Ocean.
  2. Write a novel that captures in its entirety this whole glorious, diverse, contradictory, madcap, kooky nation.
  3. Pause for five minutes to appreciate a sunset, a child’s smile, the ebullience of a puppy, or some kind of bird.
  4. Take a nap. You’ve earned it.