CAMBRIDGE, MA – The national strike by the United Poetry Workers of America (UPWA) has entered its second week. The nation’s versifiers, fed up with..
Recently we published the debut column of the Review’s Ombudsman, whose job we define as representing the interests of the reader vis a vis The..
By Charles “Chip” Kinbote Jr. Dear (You know who you are, and I know we’re under surveillance, so be discreet), I have learned far more..
Hey Brandi— I know I was supposed to get home yesterday so we could get married tomorrow, but all my stuff was stolen so I’m..
Hey, you kids, get off my goddamn lawn. Stay the hell off if you know what’s good for you. No, wait. I got a better..
To the Editor: I have recently composed a poignant and profound meditation on a current “trend” I have detected, not only among young people, but..
To the Editor: I am surprised to see you have not seen fit to comment on President Obama’s recent and of course thoroughly unconstitutional removal..
To the Editor: Warmest congratulations on the début issue of the Sherman Oaks Review of Books—and to its editor, Mr. Ellis Weiner, for displaying the..
We’ve heard a lot lately about “the death of the novel,” due mostly to how they can fall apart when they get wet, and also..
Dude– Berlin sucks. It’s like, first, everybody speaks German. Okay, I GET IT. You’re German. But Jenna said, “You should go to Berlin! The EDM..