At the opening, instead of the sun coming up to show it’s a new day? How about a hundred ninjas attacking a guy? One of..
Just as there is good and bad in everything except having a van door closed on your eye, everyone knows there are good and bad..
I, Meldon J. Sandrow, hereby reclaim my narrative, the same way Beyoncé J. Beyoncé is reclaiming hers. For why should only the famous with swivelly..
Most of us, listening to music for the last thirty-one years, concentrate on rock, rock and roll, hip-hop, or country, with or without western. Also,..
Each time I pick up my pen I’m animated by a desire that has given purpose to writers since we were spinning tales around campfires..
We’ve heard a lot lately about “the death of the novel,” due mostly to how they can fall apart when they get wet, and also..