The Sherman Oaks Review of Books would like to offer a public apology for an internal error that may have reflected adversely upon our journalistic..
Older white men overwhelmingly provide the core of support for Donald Trump. Older white men also overwhelmingly provide the core of support for Viagra, Cialis,..
Congratulations, New White House Hire! Your mandatory online training program is almost over! Now that you’ve completed your training modules, please take this brief quiz..
Given the Trump Administration’s many resignations and the unwillingness of qualified candidates to work for a deceitful, backstabbing, mentally-unstable boss, 85% of key positions within..
THE WHITE HOUSE May 17, 2017 SUBJECT: UPCOMING FOREIGN TRIP ACTION: LOW EXPECTATIONS TALKING POINTS For the President’s first foreign trip abroad, he’ll be confronting..
Throughout his political career, Donald Trump has used phrases like “People say…” and “Many people are saying…” when referring to his most controversial assertions. Many..
KEVIN HERKINS Check out the family with our newest member Missy Muffins. Such a sweet kitty! COMMENT: SHELLEY SKELTER Great shot! Funny Missy M gets..
A major political public relations disaster occurred yesterday at a local airport hotel when members of the anti-Zionist B.D.S. (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement inadvertently attended..
Whan that Aprill with its folk dejektd As Trumpen long hath been elektd A Miller yong yet bald of pate With coontenance adript in hate..
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APOCALYP-TECH LEISURE ENTERPRISES, INC. announces a new line of toys, video games and future feature films combining the industry’s evergreen concept of..