Side Effects

Fahloomba. Because life is too short to live with the pain of discomfort.

(Fahloomba is available by prescription only. Faloombah should not be taken by women who are pregnant or may become pregnant or who used to be pregnant or have no intention of becoming pregnant. Fahloomba should not be taken by men who are pregnant, because men should not be pregnant. Do not drink alcohol to excess when taking Fahloomba; drink it before. While taking Fahloomba, do not eat anything except pistachio nuts. Possible side effects include headache, nausea, visual and auditory hallucinations, sweating, that ache-all-over feeling, Saturday night-fever, netflixon chill, bridge-and-tunnel vision, unsightly wetness, swelling in the extremities, unrest in the antipodes, piano scales, hairy eyeball, baked hamstring, and burning when you or someone else urinates, as well as shortness of breath, longness of beard, hot takes, cool operators, ice-cold dyspepsia, khaki fatigue, mood swing, jitter bug, irrational exuberance, unexamined buboes, epidermis of the skin, “reverse sneezing,” running nose, walking bass, jumping jehosephat, and neuritis, neuralgia, and headcold’s distress. Persons taking NSAID’s, SSRI’s, or TTFN’s at UCLA or MIT should not take Fahloomba. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery when taking Fahloomba and also when not taking it. While taking Fahloomba, do not use mechanical pencils or electric can openers without the express written consent of Major League Baseball. Do not take Fahloomba if you are taking KNESSET, BERNIBRO, VIVYANVANCE, I-KARAMBA, or HUMAABEDIN. If, while taking Fahloomba, you experience a medical emergency, hang up and dial 911. If you experience an erection lasting longer than four hours, hang up and dial 1-900-HOT-BABEZ. Do not hypnotize or be hypnotized or pretend to be hypnotized while taking Fahloomba. When taken as directed, Fahloomba can cause suicidal thoughts or actions which, if successful, will result in an inability to continue taking Fahloomba. Some patients have reported homicidal fantasies or actions and/or genocidal whims or actions that have resulted in multiple fatalities. Persons using bionic prostheses, Pacemakers, or hearing aids should take nothing but Fahloomba. Tell your doctor if you suffer from Hep C, Hip Hop B, or LL Cool J. Do not take Fahloomba if you are an embittered old woman suffering from Crone’s Disease. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to latex, rubber, or linoleum and ask him or her what that has to do with Fahloomba. Children who are hypocritical should not take Fahloomba. Some people who have DF (downfield) blockers have reported experiences of punt-return. If you have more than one belly-button, do not take Fahloomba and report to the Navel Reserve. Vegans, vegetarians, and veterinarians should only use Fahloomba under the guidance of Presbyterians and valedictorians. No one should take Fahloomba.)

Obra Shalom Campo Grande