Kellogg-Napier Foundation Arts Funding Application...

Kellogg-Napier Foundation Arts Funding Application – Meldon Sandrow

STATEMENT:   I have reached a new plane of development in my art but need additional funding if I am to take my probing of normative Western norms to the next level.   (See materials and anticipated travel lists, attached.)


curriculum vitae 

1995-6:  – begin throwing corks at a bucket during toga party, UC Merced
– MFA thesis project, UC Merced, “Throwing Corks At A Bucket:  A Critique Of Assumptions Regarding Negative Space.”
– mentions / appearances:  San Marino Art Quarterly, Inland Valley Perfornace (sic) Arts Review, COPS (Fox TV)

1997:    – romantic problems/professional & academic setbacks
– one (1) arts-related arrest
– get cork / bucket tattoo

1998:   – travel (Minnesota, Tijuana) for research
– throw corks at buckets / cubos
– obtain GRE

1999:   – cashier & counter training, Chick-Fil-A
– phone interview, Nebraska Arts Weekly Purview
– throw corks at a bucket
– briefly question necessity of bucket

2000:   – San Pedro, CA, Lemon Festival:  throw corks at multiple buckets
Audience Appreciation Award (150 lemons; declined)

2001:    – temporarily blocked, cannot see new ways to throw corks at a bucket

2002:    – watch over 350 hours of basketball, modify technique of throwing corks at a bucket
– independent study, Pelham Grant, Sheffield, South Yorkshire (!).
– profiled, Sheffield Today:  “Is Visiting Artist Barmy Git?”

2003:    – (briefly) engaged
– fraud dispute and counterclaim re:  Pelham Foundation settled out of court

2004:    – residency, parents’ house, Bakersfield, CA.  Paper (unpublished):  “A Critique Of The Public And Legal Response On Two Continents To Explorations Of Space-Invasive Projecta.

2005:    – appearance (“He Throws Corks At A Bucket”), Bakersfield Breakfast Today

2006:    – Doctorow Grant, UC Davis.  Travel to Papua New Guinea (!) to see if anyone there has thrown corks at a bucket

2007:    – de-worming, Holy Cross Bakersfield (outpatient)
– videotape self throwing corks at a bucket
– performance piece, “The Doctorow Foundation Never Asked Exactly What I’d Be Doing,” Fresno Superior Court

2008:    – interview, “Why Buckets, Why Corks?” The Bakersfield High Crimson-Banner

2009:   – study synthetic corks to determine effect on throwing corks at buckets
– throw corks at a bucket outside Forever 21, Bakersfield Mall, as protest against hiring standards.  (Article:  “Huh?”  Riverside Metropolitan)
– in meta-artistic statement, throw buckets at corks, The John Kerwin Show, JLTV.  (YouTube, until taken down by copyright holder)

2010:    – study Zen
– throw imaginary cork at invisible bucket
– one-man show, Bakersfield Plaza Mall food court (changed Mall Hours sign to promote critique of negative space)
– article:  “Local Artist Lives In Own World,” Inland Empire Auto Trader.
– mention:  “Vandalism Or Art?” Atascadero Legal-Fact-A-Day Calendar

2011:    – Corrections column, Bakersfield Leader, clarifies throwing corks at bucket as exploratory art work, not “cause of the disturbance.”  Four follow-up Letters To The Editor stimulate local Arts discussion.
– 50 hours teaching art to underprivileged children

2012:   – throw thesis at former professor.  (undocumented performance, UC Merced campus, 9/16/12)

2013-14:  –  (study journalism, UCLA Extension, with Dr. Hrant J. Morpule)
– experiment with throwing corks at other negative spaces
– banned from Chuck E. Cheese, Los Angeles Zoo and Angelyne

2015:    – crisis 1:  mother throws out early cork-throwing Polaroids which were to have been foundation of career retrospective, along with early in-packet Star Wars toys
– crisis 2:  Dr. Morpule determined to have been scam artist wanted in Ecuador for bus pass forgery.  Journalism certificate rescinded.
– crisis 3:  get bunion from wandering

2016:    – contribute articles to Sherman Oaks Review Of Books. 
– LASIK eye surgery.  Begin hitting bucket.


William Haun