Generic College Application Essay Template

Generic College Application Essay Template

Attending XXXX College as an undergraduate student has long been a dream of mine. I know that I would flourish within the hallowed yet recently built halls of your “distinguished learning establishment,” where I aim to hone my unique skill set, my innate and demonstrable wisdom, my entrepreneurial savvy, and my unfailing use of the Oxford comma.

You ask how I imagine  ”living” and ”working” at XXXX College. Well, I feel that I work best in a quiet environment nestled in forty acres of woods, and am sure that XXXX would be a great fit for my learning style/ I work best surrounded by the noise and cultural tumult of city life and long to pound the streets of New York/Boston/Seattle/ New Haven/XXXX/ like the great thinkers that have pounded before me! (Namely: XXXX and XXXX, and my personal inspiration, the little-known XXXX).

What do I find unique about XXXX? It’s a toss-up between your intense focus on the unique talents of the individual and your quaint hazing rituals and Greek Life. While I hear that sorority life is quieter than fraternal life (no alcohol, no men, no S&M based rituals) I long to wear a secretly color-coded headband so that I may wink at my sisters over lunch — sisters whom I yearn to live with in a dorm of twenty others, like an orphan in a Dickens novel!

Your breadth of studies are a huge plus. Lectures such as “Ontology of the Vastly ‘Unsung’ Nordic Sagas” and “Southern Tropes: Why Novelists Everywhere Want to Sound Southern” or even, “Faulkner: Comic, Sexist, or Just Incomprehensible?” are all topics I have often spiritedly debated, in my head.

Additionally, I hope to use the word “pedagogy” or even that cleft palate of a word, “pedagogical,” with the frequency and ease that you use it in your brochure.

You ask about my commitment to community outreach. I am a giver, and not a taker, (unless a taker of exams!). At XXXX, I will use my innate civic-mindedness to round up addicts from the streets and inspire their recovery through sculpture workshops, fashioning used needles and Suboxone foil into civic art.

But perhaps the greatest draw of being a student at XXXX, of wearing the XXXX T-shirt, and waving but never throwing in the XXXX towel, is your sales pitch.

The video of XXXX is a veritable montage of my hopes and a balm for my fears. I desire to take my place in exactly that: a soft-lit limbo of racially-balanced students and forward-thinkers who seem just exclusionary enough to make me want to join their number, but not so elite as to make me feel unworthy in joining them. Students dressed in the generic garb of sanitized rebellion are my kind of people! Already, I can see my future friends at XXXX College and imagine myself laughing with them while enjoying a soft drink and a locally-nicknamed sandwich in a beloved campus haunt.

What unique life experience can I bring? Well you may ask! For a year I have worked as custodian of my school’s “Lost and Found,” and can proudly say I have paired many orphaned sneakers and socks. It is a hard and lonely job that requires a special blend of empathy and math. Also, I am Agony Aunt for my school paper, THE ORCA, and have stopped many a crise de nerfs!  (French Idiom!) On a more personal note, I was voted ”Miss Personality” twice, and once overheard the Principal call me ”relentlessly relentless.”

I know that my parents would be thrilled to pay over quarter of a million dollars, or even go into debt (they have already started, such is their commitment!), for a T-shirt they will only wear once, with the words “My daughter goes to XXXX” proudly displayed on the front

Of course, I hope to bring to XXXX my own skills, skills as unique as my handwriting, my retina even! And I aim to search my heart for proof that I am bigger than the sum of my parts! Once found, I will use this sum to help fight the war on terror, gender disparity, Weltschmerz, greed, and Corporate Lies.

While deciding whether to be a lawyer or a famous businesswoman (why not both?) at XXXX College, I hope mostly to disabuse myself of the tired clichés (of which “tired clichés” is admittedly one) that have now become my full lexicon since starting the college application process. At XXXX, I hope to replace these with more academic clichés which, although currently not deemed tired, will almost certainly be utterly exhausted by the time I graduate.

By that I mean clichés such as those featured in the themes of your prompts, namely your search for the unique yet universal, the well-rounded (in a completely big-ass adult kind of way) yet maverick, the giant intellectual yet stellar sportsperson who is the model XXXX student — in short, the qualities that neither you, nor your parents, nor your grandparents came even close to achieving.

However, I will give it the old XXXX College try!

Rest assured, I will leave XXXX riding high, Joan of Arc-like, into my future, followed by denizens of do-gooders and mild mannered yet effective activists.

Last, but not least, in reviewing my application, please weigh my somewhat average GPA scores and equally ‘meh’ extra-curricular activities (recorder, two years; ukulele, one year; swim team and track team, one semester each; President of the French Idiom Club) against the content of my furiously ambitious and wildly beating heart. Please accept in advance my thanks for your time in considering this, my final submission, a submission in ways too numerous to count.


sea turtle