11 June, 1509 6:00 a.m. Get up, hit pipe, ride to hounds, marry that first one, my brother’s widow, can’t remember her name, Anne something, ..
Bear Baiting: A Book For These Times by Crendall Fenhew, Harley Golp, and Lattimore Freth, DSC (Haughtily Miffed; 225 pp. $23.95) Rather than review this engrossing..
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APOCALYP-TECH LEISURE ENTERPRISES, INC. announces a new line of toys, video games and future feature films combining the industry’s evergreen concept of..
After You: The Incredible But True Story of the Amazing Origins of Rituals of Niceness in Our Savage and Horrible and, Really, Kind-of-Embarrassing Pre-Modern Past..
Trumpublicans are trolls – Flagrant trolls! And what a world of bull and lies their zealotry unrolls. How they blather blather blather Morning, afternoon, and..
I’ve been asked to review many books for SORB, but more were started than I could finish. It seemed a pity to waste the thoughts..
FROM: ShadyAcresRehab.com SENT: Feb. 3, 2017 TO: CartwheelProductions.com/development SUBJECT: New Political Comedy As most of you in the office know, I’ve been away at my..
Being the Thoughts, Disquisitions, Wisdom, Principles, and Philosophy of Life of “Richard Pmurt,” That Being a Nom-de-Plume of Donald J. Trump, BA. ON THRIFT A..