Once more, we present a lexicon of modern “English” words and terms, the origins of which prove to have been Hebrew or Yiddish. Each entry..
At the opening, instead of the sun coming up to show it’s a new day? How about a hundred ninjas attacking a guy? One of..
Basketball fans watching the NBA finals recently will have noticed something fundamental: no game can begin until, to honor America, a heavily-armed color guard of..
We live in what, by wide acclaim, is a new Golden Age of Television. With the proliferation of distribution “platforms” (broadcast; cable; online streaming) and..
[From a disused internet site for senior citizens, elder-berries.com, a chapter from Job-Hunting for Octogenarians (and Up!). It is rumored this was the actual source..
Many English words in current usage are derived, of course, from Jewish culture —“shmuck,” “schmooze,” “kvetch,” to name but a few. You might be surprised,..
They can’t start the game without you! If you’re running behind schedule, don’t let anxiety cause your car to be rear-ended by a canine cop..
Hey Brandi— I know I was supposed to get home yesterday so we could get married tomorrow, but all my stuff was stolen so I’m..
It’s almost summer — and that means one thing: that there are two things you can count on. “Hollywood’s” most lavish offerings of blockbuster sequel/franchise/based-on-a-video-game..
Hey, you kids, get off my goddamn lawn. Stay the hell off if you know what’s good for you. No, wait. I got a better..